Several users sharing the same form


Tom McMillion

I've nearly finished designing an order entry and
scheduling database. It will be placed on a network.
Data entry and data collection will be done from various
network PC's.

I plan to split the database so it will run more
efficiently over the network.

My questions are these:

1a) Are there any problems having several users opening
and using the same form at the same time for data entry?
Note: they will be looking at "Order Details" for
different orders rather than the same order, but using
the same form name

1b) Or should I go with my existing design of multiple
forms all sharing the same layout and design, but with
each form having a different form name? That way each end
user is opening a different name form for viewing and/or
modifying the "Order Details" data in his or her
particular part of the plant. My concerns are for both
efficiency and reliability of operation over the network.

1c) When I split the database, I plan to create a
different front end containing only all the necessary
forms and macros and queries for each process area, and
installing the appropriate front end on the PC
workstation in each process area. These front ends will
update data to the back end on the network hard drive.
This seems to be the most efficient use of network
bandwidth, correct? Now per my question in 1b) above,
will this make it necessary to stick with multiple copies
of the same form each having a different name?

Thanks in advance,

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