Difficult to explain but, I have a graph where I am tracking planned against
actual over time. I have a planned line from 0 to 100% against which I am
tracking the actual acheived - that part is easy, however i also have a set
of trigger bands green, yellow & red. Green is a band starting at 0% to 10%
on the left through to 0% to 80% on the right (sort of a triangle shape in
the bottom half of the graph). Yellow is from 10% to 20% on the left through
to 80% to 100% on the right (a band going from the bottom left to top right)
and the red is from 20% to 100% on the left through to 100% on the right
(upside down triangle at the top of the grapgh). The question is can I
coulour the grapgh to show these bands and then plot the planned vs actual on
top of them ?
actual over time. I have a planned line from 0 to 100% against which I am
tracking the actual acheived - that part is easy, however i also have a set
of trigger bands green, yellow & red. Green is a band starting at 0% to 10%
on the left through to 0% to 80% on the right (sort of a triangle shape in
the bottom half of the graph). Yellow is from 10% to 20% on the left through
to 80% to 100% on the right (a band going from the bottom left to top right)
and the red is from 20% to 100% on the left through to 100% on the right
(upside down triangle at the top of the grapgh). The question is can I
coulour the grapgh to show these bands and then plot the planned vs actual on
top of them ?