In MS Word I have a problem when adding shading to the day boxes in a
calendar every templent I have used and a variety of tables as well.
For examply: I try to color the holidays one color, birthdays another and so
no. However typically two day boxes at the first or end of the month have a
gap or white line at the bottom of the box, the shading is not 100% for say
Oct 1 & 3 or Oct 30 & 31.
Why does this gap appear? How do I get rid of the gap in the color
calendar every templent I have used and a variety of tables as well.
For examply: I try to color the holidays one color, birthdays another and so
no. However typically two day boxes at the first or end of the month have a
gap or white line at the bottom of the box, the shading is not 100% for say
Oct 1 & 3 or Oct 30 & 31.
Why does this gap appear? How do I get rid of the gap in the color