Chuck Cusack
I am trying to shade every other row of a table, and it won't work.
I have a table with about 31 columns, and that works fine. My new
table has about 46 columns, and when I shade a row, it doesn't do anything.
I have tried over and over again. If I select only part of the row, it will
work. If I shade the first half, and then shade the second half, ALL of the
shading disappears. Is this a big, or a limitation?
I have a table with about 31 columns, and that works fine. My new
table has about 46 columns, and when I shade a row, it doesn't do anything.
I have tried over and over again. If I select only part of the row, it will
work. If I shade the first half, and then shade the second half, ALL of the
shading disappears. Is this a big, or a limitation?