shadow effect


Jay Freedman

How do I get a word to have the "shadow effect"?

Which version of Word? What do you want to apply the effect to?

For most versions _except 2007_ there's a button on the Drawing
toolbar that shows a gallery of possible shadows. You first need to
select the shape that will get the shadow.

Word 2007 has an entire ribbon full of graphics effects, but it's
visible only when a shape of the proper kind is selected.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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Suzanne S. Barnhill

But assuming that by "a word" Amanda means ordinary text (as opposed to
WordArt or a shape), the only option is Format | Font | Shadow.

Jay Freedman

Sorry, I missed the article "a" and assumed "word" = "Word" as it so
often does.

On that level, it's also possible to apply a shadow to WordArt text.


I've noticed that "Word" has very limited functionality when it comes to
creating shadows for text. The best way I've found is to:

1) Create a text box and add the text to you wish to create a shadow for
2) Copy / paste the text box
3) Change the color of the text in the new text box to your desired shadow
4) Order the new text box behind the original
5) Use the arrow keys to position the text box into the proper position
6) Group the two text boxes

Good luck!

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