This has been driving me nuts too. I don't know of any feature for feathered
shadows in Visio. I have been able to simulate it a bit by using the shape
sheet and shadow patterns.
As an example:
- draw a circle
- give it a shadow with the "radial gradient" fill pattern
- Window > Show ShapeSheet
- ShdwForegrnd = 0 (black)
- ShdwBkgrnd = 0 (black)
- ShdwForegndTrans = 0
- ShdwBkgrndTrans = 100%
This will make a gradient fill that flows from opaque-black to
transparent-black, and looks nicely feathered. Problem is that it's not so
good for irregularly shaped objects.
Hope this helps,
Chris Roth
Visio MVP
Tom said:
How can I make the diffuse shadow or feathered edge shadow effect? It's
used under all the icons on the Shape menu.