I see ShapeAdded firing when I perform a union. Here is the output from
Event Monitor:
18100 >EnterScope Union [1060;0;Union]
18102 | QueryCancelSelectionDelete count is 2 [/doc=1 /page=1]
<-------- Event Monitor's response is: False (don't cancel)
18104 | ShapeAdded Sheet.3 [/doc=1 /page=1 /shape=Sheet.3 /shapeu=Sheet.3]
18104 | SelectionAdded Sheet.3 [/doc=1 /page=1]
18105 | BeforeSelectionDelete Sheet.1 [/doc=1 /page=1]
18107 | BeforeShapeDelete Sheet.1 [/doc=1 /page=1 /shape=Sheet.1
18109 | BeforeSelectionDelete Sheet.2 [/doc=1 /page=1]
18111 | BeforeShapeDelete Sheet.2 [/doc=1 /page=1 /shape=Sheet.2
18113 <ExitScope Union [1060;0;Union]
Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation
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