Shapes function



i am migrating an application from word 2000 to word 2007. during the
process i am facing trouble using shapes command.
the application is supposed to identify lines and store it in other
the code i am using is:
int_wordcount = doc.Application.Selection.Words.Count
For Each wline In doc.Shapes
If wline.Type = 9 Then ' Check for picture type as line
its working fine with word 2000, but in word 2007 its reading alternate
lines; as in it would detect 1st and 3rd line and leave 2nd and 4th.
i am unable to understand why is it happening.
can some1 pls help.

Lene Fredborg

Lines and other drawing object can be inserted in line with text, i.e. in the
text layer of the document – they are _InlineShapes_. Drawing objects with
any other wrapping style are _Shapes_. Have you checked the wrapping style of
your lines? Maybe the lines that are not found by your code are “in line with

To check the wrapping style of a line, right-click the line and select
“Format [object]â€. You will find the wrapping style on the Layout tab of the
dialog box that opens.

Lene Fredborg - Microsoft MVP (Word)
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word


Hi Lene,
thanks for the reply, i checked out the lines. their wrapping styles are
"in-front of-text". so we can rule that option also.
i am unable to understand why this code is working fine with word 2000 then.
only things i changed for 2007 were importing Microsoft.Office.Interop and
Microsoft.Office.Core. rest i believe should work same. is there any specific
function or method i need to use along with d shapes function..

Lene Fredborg said:
Lines and other drawing object can be inserted in line with text, i.e. in the
text layer of the document – they are _InlineShapes_. Drawing objects with
any other wrapping style are _Shapes_. Have you checked the wrapping style of
your lines? Maybe the lines that are not found by your code are “in line with

To check the wrapping style of a line, right-click the line and select
“Format [object]â€. You will find the wrapping style on the Layout tab of the
dialog box that opens.

Lene Fredborg - Microsoft MVP (Word)
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word

bhims said:
i am migrating an application from word 2000 to word 2007. during the
process i am facing trouble using shapes command.
the application is supposed to identify lines and store it in other
the code i am using is:
int_wordcount = doc.Application.Selection.Words.Count
For Each wline In doc.Shapes
If wline.Type = 9 Then ' Check for picture type as line
its working fine with word 2000, but in word 2007 its reading alternate
lines; as in it would detect 1st and 3rd line and leave 2nd and 4th.
i am unable to understand why is it happening.
can some1 pls help.

Lene Fredborg

Sorry, the Shapes/InlineShapes problem was the only thing I could think of as
a possible cause in this situation.

Lene Fredborg - Microsoft MVP (Word)
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word

bhims said:
Hi Lene,
thanks for the reply, i checked out the lines. their wrapping styles are
"in-front of-text". so we can rule that option also.
i am unable to understand why this code is working fine with word 2000 then.
only things i changed for 2007 were importing Microsoft.Office.Interop and
Microsoft.Office.Core. rest i believe should work same. is there any specific
function or method i need to use along with d shapes function..

Lene Fredborg said:
Lines and other drawing object can be inserted in line with text, i.e. in the
text layer of the document – they are _InlineShapes_. Drawing objects with
any other wrapping style are _Shapes_. Have you checked the wrapping style of
your lines? Maybe the lines that are not found by your code are “in line with

To check the wrapping style of a line, right-click the line and select
“Format [object]â€. You will find the wrapping style on the Layout tab of the
dialog box that opens.

Lene Fredborg - Microsoft MVP (Word)
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word

bhims said:
i am migrating an application from word 2000 to word 2007. during the
process i am facing trouble using shapes command.
the application is supposed to identify lines and store it in other
the code i am using is:
int_wordcount = doc.Application.Selection.Words.Count
For Each wline In doc.Shapes
If wline.Type = 9 Then ' Check for picture type as line
its working fine with word 2000, but in word 2007 its reading alternate
lines; as in it would detect 1st and 3rd line and leave 2nd and 4th.
i am unable to understand why is it happening.
can some1 pls help.

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