Shapes selected from menu in which text changes each time it is pi




I have a report which includes a site survey diagram made up of various
pictures (made up from grouped autoshapes). Currently the pictures are simply
stored outside of the printable areas and dragged into the diagram area by
the user. The problem is this takes up a lot of space and is quite clumsy -
also it isn't very user friendly.

I can assign macros to a key on the printable area so that when the item in
the key is clicked a larger version of the picture, for example a house,
appears within the drawing area and can then be positioned and sized by the

However, some of the icons in the key need consecutive numbers each time
they are selected. So, for example, on first click a blue rectangle with a
'1' inside it appears, and when it is next clicked a blue rectangle with a
'2' inside it appears.

If I could make it so that the picture in the key is the one that is copied,
resized and pasted into the drawing area all the better (as it would save on
file size as I would not need to keep 'doubles' for copying on another sheet).

Apologies for the long explanation, and thanks in advance for any help you
can give me!

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