shapesheet based angles between lines



the best to explain what I want to do is the following: Assume I want to
make a clock where somebody, via custom properties, enters the time. I want
to use that info to figure out how to rotate the big hand/little hand

I can use a hidden line as a reference (say 12 oclock). the visible big
hand and little hand are angled off the end point (center of clock) from the
hidden reference.

How can I do that.

I realize is could have lines for all possible combinations but that is huge
and complex (custom priorities turns on/off visibility) looking for
something slicker.

Once I have this, I am also curious as to how to apply to an ellipse (where
the line gets shorter then longer as the angle grows).

Paul Herber

the best to explain what I want to do is the following: Assume I want to
make a clock where somebody, via custom properties, enters the time. I want
to use that info to figure out how to rotate the big hand/little hand

I can use a hidden line as a reference (say 12 oclock). the visible big
hand and little hand are angled off the end point (center of clock) from the
hidden reference.

Draw a line (using the Line Tool in the Drawing Toolbar), look at the
shape's shapesheet, you will see there is an Angle element in Shape
Transform section. You can set the angle to some suitable value 0..360
degrees (note that the default type is radians, not degrees).
Now all you need is some arithmetic to convert your time into degrees.


that doesnt work...need to play all kinds of ungodly games with
locpinx/locpiny, need to make a 2D shape, etc.

i think all I really need is a way to anchor one end so that with
angle/rotation, it pivots around that end point....not in the middle and not
remotely placed from the guide handles.

If I go down the path of locpinx/locpiny and such, the translation is a
nightmere from what I gleened from few simple tests.

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