share point for ms project server 2002 on windows server 2003


Ahmed Shafi

Hi there,
can anyone tell me what version of ms sharepoint is required for ms
project 2002 server running on windows 2003 server ?
can I use the sharepoint services that come with ms office xp ?

Rob Schneider

Ahmed said:
Hi there,
can anyone tell me what version of ms sharepoint is required for ms
project 2002 server running on windows 2003 server ?
can I use the sharepoint services that come with ms office xp ?

Ahmed Shafi
(e-mail address removed)
Tel: 0938-71877,71858-61 Ext. 2392

There it mentions that SharePoint Team Services is included with
Microsoft Project Server 2002. Best best seems to be to use that version.

Mike Glen

Hi Ahmed ,

Please use the Project 2002 newsgroups referenced in FAQ No 24: Project and
Project VBA Newsgroups, at this web address: .
You are more likely to get an answer there.

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

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