Share Workbooks and Comments


phil Friend

Can anyone help me with this one...
I have a simple spreadsheet which is shared and resides on a server.
Apprx 6 people access and modify the sheet and save their modifications
back to the server.
No 2 people ever change the same cell so there are never any conflicts.

The problem I have is that often the comments in a cell do not upload
to the server. The user is unaware of this util he closes and re-opens
the workbook to find that all of his changes have been saved but none
of his comments.

I have been getting the users to make their own copy at the end of the
day and if they e-mail that copy to me and I merge it into the server
copy the comments still do not merge. If I make a change to a comment
and repeat then both new and old comments merge in.

Any help would be appreciated.


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