Share your OneNote stationery!


Christina - MS


There is a new feature on the OneNote portal that allows users to share
stationery. You can upload your own stationery files or download stationery
from other users.

Simply go to the OneNote portal page at On
the page you will find a link to the OneNote community . This new site
features community stationery and other great community resources.


Ute Simon

Christina - MS said:
There is a new feature on the OneNote portal that allows users to share
stationery. You can upload your own stationery files or download stationery
from other users.

Simply go to the OneNote portal page at On
the page you will find a link to the OneNote community . This new site
features community stationery and other great community resources.

That looks great! But alas I can't use it. Whenever I click on the download
link, OneNote opens, but not with the new stationery to choose.

I am using the German version of OneNote 2003, and SP1 has not yet been
installed. Which of these might be the reason?

Kind regards,


Are you sure it didn't download it? I thought I had the same issue but it
turns out it was working, I just couldn't tell it. Consequently, I had two
different copies in my stationary. My steps are:
1. Run One Note
2. Choose the stationary I want from the page and
follow steps to download it.
3. Click File/New and choose "New from Stationery" <- Mikersawft shud pewt
uh spel czechur own dere ayplikashuns".
4. The stationary should be in the lists available to you now.

At least it does in mine.

Now if I can only figure out how to move the dang thing to a useful category.

John Waller

"New from Stationery" <- Mikersawft shud
pewt uh spel czechur own dere ayplikashuns".

Microsoft have got it right.

Stationery = Letters, envelopes etc
"e" in stationery is for "envelope"

Stationary = without motion, unchanging


Ute Simon

StanLee said:
Are you sure it didn't download it? I thought I had the same issue but it
turns out it was working, I just couldn't tell it.

Thanks, Stan,

I think I need SP1, cause MS says this on their website, too. I'll give it
another try on my laptop at home this evening.

Kind regards,


Correct. I knew that ...what I was referring to was
StationAry: as in... the only way I have figured out how to MOVE the
stationEry was to "Save current page as stationery" which moves it into the
"My Stationery" section. Therefore it IS stationAry in my view.

Guess I should explain my warped sense of humor eh? :)

Ute Simon

I'm still having problems downloading the new templates. I have the full
version of Office 2003 (with all Service Packs for Office and OneNote
installed) on my laptop at home, but the downloaded templates do not appear
in the task pane.

I think, there is an issue with the language, as I am using the German
version of ON. But Microsoft does not offer any stationery on their German
pages yet :-(

Kind regards,

Ute Simon

I think, there is an issue with the language, as I am using the German
version of ON. But Microsoft does not offer any stationery on their German
pages yet :-(
Thanks to Michael Greth in the German One Note Newsgroup I know the
solution: it IS an issue of the non-English language! You can manually
access the stationery in the templates folder, but they don't show up in the
task pane:;en-us;832767

Kind regards,


I must be being dim, but I can't see a link to any "OneNote community". Can
someone be more specific as to where this is on the page.


Susan K.

Hi there! A thought...

When a person downloads stationery, it should go into a group called "My
Downloaded Stationery" or something like that. I downloaded some calendar
stationery, and it went into its own stationery group, which is not really
what I wanted.

Also, I notice that if I move from one folder to another and one section to
another, that certain types of stationery suddenly aren't available to me.
In other words, when I click on the paper icon next to the page tabs, and try
to choose a stationery, half of the ones aren't there, but when I try to
create a new page in another stationery, those groups are there again...

Thanks for listening!

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