Shared Borders and Link Bars



I have my new website almost done. Thanks for all the help with using themes
and shared borders but...
I added a shared border, in the banner I have put the organizations name and
logo. Logo on the right side and the name to the left of the logo. How can I
make the name float in the middle of the banner ? Right now it sits at the
bottom of the banner. Does not look good !!!Is it possible to change the
location of the text in a banner when banner has been added with Shared
Border option ?
Second...In my link bar, if I'm on the index page, why do I have a button
called Home ? On another page, let's say Class Registration, there is a
button named Class Registration. How can I get rid of the button that
corresponds to the current page ?
I hope this all makes sense.

Thank you,


Okay...figured out banner problem. Just made a graphic containing the logo
and name, the name floating beside the logo and inserted that. It worked fine.
But still need the answer concerning the link bar.



If you use the FrontPage navigation components every page in the Link bar
will have a button. Buttons for the current page are usually a different
design (colours) than the other buttons, depends on the theme being used.
You cannot change this. You can, however, change the design for the buttons
by editing the theme.


However, you can change the button colors using a graphics program.
Figuring out which is which can be annoying though.


Thank you both very much. I will just leave as is. I would hate to start
messing with the colors of the buttons. I like the theme I used.

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