I am a IT tech support at work (non-profit organization) and in one
of the departments, public relations, they are the only ones using
Macs. They have been using Outlook for years before we, as an IT
department, helped them to migrate to OS X and to Office v.X
Here is our situation: We have a Exchange 2000 server that is
configured with Outlook Web Access. The Public Relations department
wants to get away from Mac OS 9 and Outlook 2001 environment into
Entourage v.X with OS X.
I have installed an Exchange update 10.1.4 and they can get email
from the Exchange server just fine, but the calendar functions do not
quite match up to Outlook 2001.
For some reason, they cannot view the public shared calendar in a
calendar view, like seeing the entire month. How can you view the
monthly view and not in email-looking list format?
Also, when they make a new entry into the calendar, it only puts in
the local calendar, nobody else can view the shared calendar, unless
it is an invite.
The invite option does not meet the PR needs because in Outlook, the
IT department can set permissions on who can view, change, delete,
that sort of thing. The PR dept has a few members outside the
department that can only read or add events, but do not have the
privilege to change or delete, for example.
So, the PR department needs to view the calendar in a monthly
format, able to add events for everyone can see for different people
with different access permissions. This can be done in Windows. Macs
with this functionality can be done only in MacOS 9 and with Outlook
This is critical situation as PR are having difficulties using OS 9
in a classic environment to check their email and doing calendar work.
They crash often and freezes. They do most of their work on OS X on
projects, so using Entourage for them is imperative.
I would appreciate for any information on this.
I am a IT tech support at work (non-profit organization) and in one
of the departments, public relations, they are the only ones using
Macs. They have been using Outlook for years before we, as an IT
department, helped them to migrate to OS X and to Office v.X
Here is our situation: We have a Exchange 2000 server that is
configured with Outlook Web Access. The Public Relations department
wants to get away from Mac OS 9 and Outlook 2001 environment into
Entourage v.X with OS X.
I have installed an Exchange update 10.1.4 and they can get email
from the Exchange server just fine, but the calendar functions do not
quite match up to Outlook 2001.
For some reason, they cannot view the public shared calendar in a
calendar view, like seeing the entire month. How can you view the
monthly view and not in email-looking list format?
Also, when they make a new entry into the calendar, it only puts in
the local calendar, nobody else can view the shared calendar, unless
it is an invite.
The invite option does not meet the PR needs because in Outlook, the
IT department can set permissions on who can view, change, delete,
that sort of thing. The PR dept has a few members outside the
department that can only read or add events, but do not have the
privilege to change or delete, for example.
So, the PR department needs to view the calendar in a monthly
format, able to add events for everyone can see for different people
with different access permissions. This can be done in Windows. Macs
with this functionality can be done only in MacOS 9 and with Outlook
This is critical situation as PR are having difficulties using OS 9
in a classic environment to check their email and doing calendar work.
They crash often and freezes. They do most of their work on OS X on
projects, so using Entourage for them is imperative.
I would appreciate for any information on this.