Shared Calender - MSMLServer error when designating delegates



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

We have an issue that just came up this week. I have about 30 end users who would like to share their calendar with a building secretary, but about 10 are unable to do so.

The ones that are having the issues sharing the calendar are getting an error stating "The Application MSMLServer quit unexpectedly."

They get the error as they are trying to add the delegate. You can search and select the delegate-to-be, but once you select that user and click "OK", is when Entourage flashes "Retrieving Permissions" on the bottom of the screen and then crashes.

I have deleted the users Microsoft User data and account in Entourage to start from scratch. I have also verified the Exchange server address as well as the LDAP settings. Still no luck..

Any Ideas?

William Smith [MVP]

We have an issue that just came up this week. I have about 30 end
users who would like to share their calendar with a building
secretary, but about 10 are unable to do so.

The ones that are having the issues sharing the calendar are getting
an error stating "The Application MSMLServer quit unexpectedly."

I have no ideas for you but I do suggest you also post your question in
the newsgroup. Someone there may be
familiar with the message you're reporting.

Hope this helps!



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