Shared Calender



Can anyone help me please? In our department we share one main calender where
we all put our appointments on, this works well as we all have access to it.
However, when we are "invited" to a meeting from someone outside our
department this information does not get copied into the main shared
calender, only our own personal one - is there anyway that we can
automatically copy any entries that get put into our personal calenders into
the shared one?

Many thanks!

Judy Gleeson MVP Outlook

You can right mouse drag them onto it.

Alternatively, if you 2002 or 2003 you can look at a Group Schedule of your
team and see their live Calendar data side by side.

Please post as least your version when you have a question.

Judy Gleeson [MVP Outlook]
Acorn Training and Consulting

Everyone - turn on your Advanced Toolbars and learn how to use the Field
Chooser and Group by Box!!

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