I agree. I slightly misunderstood the original question. If anyone has a
document opened (based on a particular template) that template won't let you
open it for editing. However, a shortcut on a desktop won't have that
I wonder why anyone would have a shortcut to a template on their desktop as
that isn't the way to create a new document based on a template!
However, my original advice that the Sys Admin can go to the server and list
the owners of any locking files in order to get them released. If this is a
regular occurrence, it may be worthwhile setting up access to the server
from the Template Editor's computer using Terminal Services log in.
message : Hi Terry,
: In my experience, when a new document based on a template is created, the
: template is given an owner file, not just the new document. Likewise, when
: document based on a template is opened, the template is marked as in use.
: This doesn't prevent it from being used to create another new document,
: it does keep another user from editing the template.
: It is possible that marking the workgroup templates folder as read only
: the user involved will keep this from happening. I haven't checked.
: Otherwise, a possibility is a login script that copies/updates the
: templates folder to a personal workgroup templates folder would prevent
: this. That is, each user has a personal workgroup templates folder that is
: updated when he/she logs in.
: --
: Charles Kenyon
: Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:
: Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
: Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)
: See also the MVP FAQ: which is awesome!
: --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
: This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
: and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
: from my ignorance and your wisdom.
: "TF" <terryfarrell%40%6d%73%6e%2ecom> wrote in message
: : >A shortcut placed on a desktop should not cause a sharing violation: it
: > should only occur when someone has the document open. The Sys Admin
: > be able to log onto the server and view a list of all open files and
: > owners.
: >
: > However, no one should have a template file open. The whole purpose of a
: > template is to enable everyone to open new documents based on the
: > template,
: > not to open and use the template.
: >
: > Perhaps if you would explain what you are trying to share and how, we
: > be
: > able to offer a better solution.
: >
: > --
: > Terry Farrell - Word MVP
: >
: > : > : We have a shared folder with Word templates which are used by members
: > staff acoross different floors.
: > : These documents are updated regularly.
: > : However, if someone has the .dot file open or has created a shortcut
: > it
: > on their desktop then we cannot update the form and get a 'Sharing
: > Violation' message.
: > :
: > : Is there any way to find out who has the document open?
: > :
: > : Thanks
: > :
: > :
: > : Paul
: > : paul_dot_beattie_at_dwp_dot_gsi_dot_gov_dot_uk
: > :
: > : --
: > :
: >
: >