Shared Files - blown out margins



We have an Excel workbook with about 50 worksheet tabs that is currently over
5MB. About 2-4 of us are in it making updates at any one time. We save a
new version of the file daily. The problem is two-fold: 1) in two days
time, the file size grew from 3.9MB to 5.2MB, when there weren't that many
changes (mostly updating links to different files) & 2) when the file is
saved and someone else tries to open it, the margins get blown out so that
items outside the print range get included in the print range, plus hidden
rows get unhidden. A user can correct all the margins & re-hide the rows
(which takes about an hour to do), save the file, and then the next person
who opens it will again blowout the margins & unhide the rows. But any other
changes were correctly saved. Extremely frustrating.

We've tried "Open & Repair" in case the document is corrupted, but this
doesn't fix the problem. Any ideas?

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