Shared Session with Network One Note Doc



I have successfully used shared session with a one note page that i have on
my computer as a local document but when I save the document to a networked
drive the shared session does not work. Since we are using Lotus Notes
everyone is connecting my typing in the session address/join session.

Can anyone help share whether this is a limitation of One Note or is there a
way to get this to work? Our concern about sharing sessions that are local
is that is someone is out we won't be able to access the document that we are
using to maintain meeting notes/material.


Irina Yatsenko (MS)

You should be able to run a shared session from a section located on a share
the same way as you do for local sections. During shared session each
participant holds his/her own copy of the pages being shared, then the edits
they make are propagated to other participants. This is pier-to-pier type of
communication (no server). When session is complete each participant walks
away with the same (final) copy of the shared pages but there is no link
preserved between the pages created this way after the shared session is

If you want to share a section so it's available anytime to anybody on the
team then yes, you should put it on a file server or SharePoint. This way
people cannot do concurrent edits (person accessing the section for editing
locks it down and other users have read-only access). So if two people try to
open the same section in a shared folder and then start shared session from
it then one of them won't be able to do this as he/she cannot modify the

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