Shared Tasks & Filtering w/Custom Task Fields



Hi folks - A little background. I'm doing some work for a law firm
and we recently installed Exchange 2003 on a new server to replace an
old, dying server. In their previous setup, one attorney used his
tasks, with custom fields (5 or 6) to make a list for court each day.
The Task folder in questions has about 18,000 tasks in it (alot of
court days!) Attorney then runs a filter based on his custom fields,
and can view the following days court appearances. All the attorneys
used to be able to see the tasks, but somewhere before we installed
the new Exch. 2K3, things got jumbled up to where only the main
attorney entering the tasks could see them. When I started consulting
for them, we got the new server setup & all profiles & mailboxes moved
over fine. Now, I want to share Attorney X's Task Folder w/Attorney Y
& Z. So, I went Attorney X's Outlook, defined a custom view based on
his custom fields, and shared it to Attorney Y & Z. These folks see
Attorney X's Task folder and all 18,000 tasks fine w/the custom view/
custom fields. Here is where it gets weird.

Attorney Y opens shared Task Folder from Attorney X. Attorney Y
filters {customize current view / filter / advanced / add user defined
field -->court date / is (exactly) / 05.23.07 / add to list / Ok /
Ok} The filter runs, but nothing appears in the tables. If you
remove the filter, all 18,000 entries come back like they were.

BTW, Attorney X can run these filters all day long & see the filtered
results fine.

Is there something I am missing? This should work pretty easily
right? It is quickly driving me insane. Thanks in advance for your

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