Shared workbook-font/bckgrn colors, comments



We have an excel (2007) workbook, actually a couple of them, on our server at
work here and they are shared between 3 different workstations. We've started
having problems with these files:

1) font colors that individual users change are not saving across the board
a) if i change a font color, then save it, then close excel and reopen
it, all of the changes are not there, some are, some aren't
b) if someone else changes a font color and saves it, then i save my
workbook on my workstation, not all of the changes he saved change on my
2) comments are not being shared between workstations
a) if i add a comment to a cell, and save it, then another workstation
saves his workbook, not all of the comments are showing up on his system, and
vise-versa, if he saves a comment, then i save my workbook, the comments are
not all coming over.

The hardest part about this is that 'some' of the changes show up on the
other workstations, but not 'all' of the changes! That is what's frustrating.
Is it possible that excel is not really the program i need to be using for
this real-time type work environment that i'm operating in? Does anyone know
of another program that might work better at this?

We use the workbooks for this purpose: we're working at a trucking company
operating around 150 tractors, so we use spreadsheets to do 2 things, 1. an
alphabetical list of drivers names and where they are delivering next (this
is the workbook that we use colored fonts on the denote days of the week), 2.
a column list of cities with alphabetical drivers names under those city
headings to know daily how many and what drivers we have in those cities
(this is the workbook we're having problems sharing comments, they're entered
so we know what time the driver will be in the particular city).

One thing that i should mention is that the information entered in the cell,
be it a driver name or city, always saves and shows up correctly on
everyone's workstation, it's just the font colors and comments, but
unfortunately those are very important pieces of info that everyone needs to
be aware of.

Thanks for any help you gurus can give!

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