Shared Workbook - Freeze Pane & Hidden Column Issues


Scott Wagner

I've been searching the postings this morning to find some solutions, and I
am stuck. Hoping you can help.

I have a shared workbook that is used by about 10 people. When users open
the workbook there is some variation in how it is displayed. Problems occur
in two areas:

1. The first row of the worksheet should be frozen, but sometimes much more
is frozen when opened. I found "tools", "protection", "protect workbook",
"windows", but that is acting strange... it opens with only about 5 columns
visible and just the first row. What am I missing here?

2. There are several hidden columns in the workbook on multiple worksheets.
When opened for some users the columns are not hidden. What can I do to be
sure those columns are hidden?

There are other problems with the shared workbook that I need to tackle, but
these are the most troublesome. Any information/suggestions you can provide
would be appreciated. Also, if you have any other "best practices" for
shared workbooks please let me know what you recommend.

Thanks so much,


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