shared workbook - macros using advanced filter - substiitution nee



i set up a cool workbook to solve a problem and now that i have turned on the
shared workbook feature my cool workbook is not cool!

I created a control panel with control buttons to run reports using macros
based on a set of criteria - the criteria i established on a workbook page
and when i built the macro - i used the advanced filter feature to go to the
criteria page.

Now I am finding that advanced filter doesnt work in a shared environment.
Is there anothe way that i can insert my criteria into the macro without
using this advanced filter feature?


My current macro criteria is:

Sheets("East Master Repository").Select
Cells.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Sheets( _
"Criteria for market groupings").Range("X2:X12"), Unique:=False

the worksheet is east master repository and the worksheet where i put my
criteria range ins "cirtieria for market groupings"

however i need to use so sort of code to replace advanced filter as when i
put it in a shared workbook the control button for this filter doesnt work it
provides an advanced filter runtime error.

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