Shared workbook shows wrong data



I have a shared workbook that typically has 3-5 users sharing. Once or
twice a week someone complains eithor that information shows up in a
row that no one entered, or the information they did enter has been
changed and is incorrect. Checking with other users confirms that no
one changed the information. Using "Highlight Changes", it will show a
user made a change, but from talking with the users it is clear the user
did not make the change. Often it is clear the information "moved" from
above or below the cell in the same column. Column sorts are not being
performed and are not the problem.

Today my boss said he had an incident where he made an entry and came
back the next day and a different date was in the cell. He looked at
other people's computers in the office and it was correct on their
machine. So his machine on the shared workbook was the only machine
that showed incorrect information. He closed Excel and reopened the
shared workbook, and the date that had been incorrect magically
corrected itself.

What happens is that when the workbook is in this "incorrect" state,
entries and edits are recorded in rows other than what the viewer is
looking at, so that when the "incorrect" state is saved, other users
with the "correct" state will have entries in wrong rows.

The users use filters a lot but hardly ever sort. For new lines they
insert a blank row between other rows. I've looked at the problem of
duplicate "phantom" users showing up in the shared user list and wrote
a macro that gets rid of any phantom users if they exist. I'm thinking
it may have something to do with the custom (personal) view that always
gets created for each shared user, but turning off the view filter
settings makes no difference. Unsharing and sharing again seems to
make no difference.

I am communicating with another person who has had this problem for
over a year, so I know I am not the only one. Any ideas anyone? If I
could just duplicate the problem I could find the solution.


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