Shared worksheet will not 'share'.



I have two separate workbooks I wish to share with others on the same server.
Both have all the right boxes ticked for sharing, but every time the 'other
person' opens them it is 'read-only' and has to be saved under a different
name if they alter it - with the result that we end up with two parallel and
confusing editions of the same workbook.

I have several other shared workbooks on the same server, with the same
boxes ticked, and they function normally.

I'm running Office 2007 Professional Plus on Windows 2003 server.

Has anyone any suggestions please of what could be going wrong.


Only one person (the first to open the file) can make changes in an Excel
Workbook at one time. As an alternative, you can try to make the workbook
'Shared'. Tools > Share Workbook > check the box > OK. Be forewarned, if
too many users try to access the file simultaneously (I can't define too
many; Microsoft says the limit is 255 but in my experience is is more like
5-6) you could experience unpredictable results, including file
corruption...although the data should probably still be intact...all
formatting will certainly be gone.

Always make backups of important files.


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