I've noticed that if I delete a project that's out in PWA, I lose all the
links of the documents that are in Sharepoint to ALL my project in PWA.
Has anybody else run across this problem??? SOMEONE PLEASE GET BACK TO ME
FYI - To delete a project that is out on PWA, I open MS Project, pull up the
list of project as if I were going to open one of them, highlight the project
name and hit the delete key. Am I doing something wrong????
links of the documents that are in Sharepoint to ALL my project in PWA.
Has anybody else run across this problem??? SOMEONE PLEASE GET BACK TO ME
FYI - To delete a project that is out on PWA, I open MS Project, pull up the
list of project as if I were going to open one of them, highlight the project
name and hit the delete key. Am I doing something wrong????