I have a very large fp2003 site hosted on a Unix VPS server.
Need to incorporate a product shopping data feed that can be supplied in
either TAB : CSV : PIPE : XML : EXCEL formats.
Obviously, the easiet path of using a sharepoint data view in FP would be
the easiest, but cannot with a Unix server. Short of finding anothe host
(present host has dropped sharepoint) , creating a new domain, losing
established Google ratings, and hosting the data feed on an additional
Microsoft server, does anyone have any scripting or general ideas?
The unix host suggested a very complicated Mysql script to perl or php that
they weren't coompletely keen about developing or its stability.
Does anyone have any scripting references to customize a script or is there
an established script out there that works around the Microsoft shared point
server problem?
Need to incorporate a product shopping data feed that can be supplied in
either TAB : CSV : PIPE : XML : EXCEL formats.
Obviously, the easiet path of using a sharepoint data view in FP would be
the easiest, but cannot with a Unix server. Short of finding anothe host
(present host has dropped sharepoint) , creating a new domain, losing
established Google ratings, and hosting the data feed on an additional
Microsoft server, does anyone have any scripting or general ideas?
The unix host suggested a very complicated Mysql script to perl or php that
they weren't coompletely keen about developing or its stability.
Does anyone have any scripting references to customize a script or is there
an established script out there that works around the Microsoft shared point
server problem?