sharepoint workspace


Marc Dimmick

I am working with 3.1 and trying to create a sharepoint workspace. I have
connected and the system is has got to the point where it is asking me to
'Please wait while Grove initializes your Mobile Workspace. this may take a

So far it has taken 10 minutes and still not completing the task. I am
trying to connect to a 2003 sharepoint server and according to the task
manager it is still running. Does this feature work and what sort of time
should it take?


Marc Dimmick

"The best way to predict the future is to create it" - Dr.Peter F. Drucker


Dear Marc,

According to your update, I want to confirm some information with you.

1: What had you done before you encountered this problem?

2: Have you try to set the synchronize type to Manually and what were the

3: If some users were using the mobile workspaces as the mobile workspace
creator on other computers when the Groove was synchronizing the data with
SharePoint server?

Meanwhile, for the mobile workspace issue, please refer to these link pages:
About Groove® Mobile Workspace for SharePointTM

Frequently asked questions about Groove Mobile Workspace

Related information sites:

Marc Dimmick


I am working throught the steps here as I try to setup a Mobile Workspace
for SharePoint 3

1. Click on 'New Workspace'
2. Select Template 'Mobile Workspace for SharePoint'
3. click OK
4. At the Mobile Workspace Setup Popup screen I entered in my sharepoint
site click next
5. The system validate open and gets the schema info from the site
6. I am presented with a list of pages I wish to synchronize?
7. I select Links as I know there are only 3 links the total size of
selected list is 12kb
8. Synchronize with sharepoint site is set to manually
9. Click Next
10 there is a check next to the add a label & I don't have allow groove
user to add checked
11 Click finish
12 the system returne with Downloading Home Page Images (1/3) with a
green bar moving to the right. A second pop up comes up 'Groove Mobile
Workspace for SharePoint' the message 'Please wait while Groove initializes
your Mobile Workspace. This may take a minute.

The green bar moves to the end and keeps droppping back to about 2/3rd of
the way and the (1/3) does not change. I see the hard disk showing small
activity every few seconds.

I left this going for about 30 mins and it had not progressed any further.


Marc Dimmick

"The best way to predict the future is to create it" - Dr.Peter F. Drucker


Dear Marc,

According to your update, I want to confirm some information with you.

1: Have you set the permission for the user with Groove. Please understand
if you do not set the permission correctly for your user and then the user
cannot sync the data with this sps site and finally, the mobile workspace
cannot be used well. Please understand that the sps permission is intergraded
with Groove so that if the Groove user do not have the porperly permission
for the site, then he or she could not use Groove mobile workspace to sync or
deal with the data from sps site.

2: Have you tried to use another computer and tested this issue? If so, what
were results?

Please provide me the information about these two questions and then we can
analyse it for you.

Marc Dimmick


I am at the moment setting it up for my self and I am the Manager and I have
admin access to the sharepoint server. The sharepoint server is a new
installation. Thanks for the references in the other thread.


Marc Dimmick

"The best way to predict the future is to create it" - Dr.Peter F. Drucker

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