Sharing a color palette...


C. Bonthron

I don't use Visio, but I need to help a client configure a custom palette
and/or theme, and then share it with their remote staff. Is there an easy way
to do this?


J Kallay

The Visio help files cover themes perfectly adequately, including how to
copy the theme from one document to another. A Visio drawing that contains
the custom theme can be distributed to the remote staff.

C. Bonthron

Thanks. I started into the help files but didn't see anything about creating
a custom palette, only themes. My preference would be to create a cutom color
palette, with a specific set of colors (like the where standard set resides
in the color selection box), that can be easily installed on a few hundred


If you check out the thread I posted a couple of weeks ago ("Color Palette in
Visio 2007") I think you'll find that they (read between the lines) no longer
support custom color palettes.

You would be able to in Visio 2003. I saved a Visio 2003 file named Custom
Palette that my users could copy the palette. I'm sure the Themes work the
same way, but I do not like the new interface.

I wish Visio would admit they killed a feature, rather than try to tell me
why Themes are just as good. They accomplish different tasks, and it is a
shame that Themes had to replace Palettes as they could have co-existed.


I agree with cascomike that color palates were easier to use.
I'm currently trying to achieve the same thing as you and have a thread
going here as well.

The only solution I've found is to get the theme setup for most of the
settings and create a new stencil to assign colors etc. to the shapes
(master) you want people to be able to use. Set the screens up the way you
want them (including the theme) and save it as a template.

Distribute the template and that ought to do it.

Currently, I'm playing around with their stylesheets to see if I can create
something a little more flexible so I don't have to create new stencils and
manually modify master attributes.

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