sharing a database in Access 2002



I have a question. I have 2 people at 2 other locations that I would like to
share a database with. I would also like them to be able to update the
database and run reports. What would be the best way to do this? Will they
need Access on their computers? Thanks.


If your database is not split, you will have to do that.
If the other two users do not have access to the network where the data will
be stored, you will need to use replication.
You can install the Access runtime for those users who do not have full
Access; however, for 2002 you will need to purchase the 2002 developers


I'm not sure what replication is.

Would it be possible for the other 2 users to logon to a laptop connected to
my system using GoToMyPC in order to do this? Then I could have the front
end on the laptop for them to use? I'm assuming the laptop would have to
have a copy of Access on it?


If they use GoToMyPC, they would not have to have Access. The application
would be running on your computer. Only one of the three of you would be
able to work at the same time.


Okay, how about if I have other computers on my network. Could they login to
one of those and use the database on my server comptuer?


Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

lake2212 said:
Okay, how about if I have other computers on my network. Could they login to
one of those and use the database on my server comptuer?


Okay, and if they logged into another computer on my network, would that
computer also need a copy of Access on it, as well as my server computer
where the data is located? Thanks for your help.


Each computer where a user will log in to run the front end application will
need either Access or Access Runtime installed.

The server where the back end data is located will not. The Jet database
engine is a file server database engine. All processing is done through the
front end.

Rick Brandt

lake2212 said:
Okay, and if they logged into another computer on my network, would
that computer also need a copy of Access on it, as well as my server
computer where the data is located? Thanks for your help.

All users of an Access app need Access installed, either a licensed version
or the runtime. When running a remote service like PCAnywhere, VNC,
Terminal Services etc., they might not technically need Access installed,
but unless the app is using the runtime they must hold valid Access

There is no "free lunch" for using Access beyond using the runtime (in some
cases that is not free either).

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