I just stumbled over a neat trick that I thought I should share.
To expand data in a column so that there is a blank cell
between each row.
Put some data into A1 to A10
Put 1 into B1
Highlight B1 and B2
Grab the fill handle and drag down to B19
That should leave 1 blank 2 blank...etc in col B
Put =INDIRECT("A"&B1) in C1
Grab the fill handle and drag down to C19
That should leave your column A data in column C
separated by the #REF error.
Whilst column C is still selected
Tap F5>Special>Formulas
Uncheck Numbers, Text and Logicals and leave
Errors checked.
OK out
Then tap delete
Do a Copy>Paste Values on column C
and delete columns A and B
Not groundbreaking stuff but I'm sure it will come in very
handy in the right situation.
To expand data in a column so that there is a blank cell
between each row.
Put some data into A1 to A10
Put 1 into B1
Highlight B1 and B2
Grab the fill handle and drag down to B19
That should leave 1 blank 2 blank...etc in col B
Put =INDIRECT("A"&B1) in C1
Grab the fill handle and drag down to C19
That should leave your column A data in column C
separated by the #REF error.
Whilst column C is still selected
Tap F5>Special>Formulas
Uncheck Numbers, Text and Logicals and leave
Errors checked.
OK out
Then tap delete
Do a Copy>Paste Values on column C
and delete columns A and B
Not groundbreaking stuff but I'm sure it will come in very
handy in the right situation.