Sharing Calendars Office 2002XP



My wife and I formally used the Net Folders feature of MSFT Outlook 2000 to
share our calendars, contacts, tasks and so forth. I recently upgraded to
MSFT Outlook 2002XP. It doesn't support Net Folders. I continue to receive
Net Folder updates carring calendar and other info from her ME machine
(Office 2000 still installed) on my XP machine. Question: Can - and if the
answer is affirmative - how might we able to reestablish automatic calendar,
contact, task updates to our respective machines that run different virsions
of Outlook?

With appreciation in advance!

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Take a look here, it may help:

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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After furious head scratching, robroy asked:

| My wife and I formally used the Net Folders feature of MSFT Outlook
| 2000 to share our calendars, contacts, tasks and so forth. I
| recently upgraded to MSFT Outlook 2002XP. It doesn't support Net
| Folders. I continue to receive Net Folder updates carring calendar
| and other info from her ME machine (Office 2000 still installed) on
| my XP machine. Question: Can - and if the answer is affirmative -
| how might we able to reestablish automatic calendar, contact, task
| updates to our respective machines that run different virsions of
| Outlook?
| With appreciation in advance!

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