Sharing Database over LAN


Shakeel Ahmad

I want to share my Database Over LAN (Local Area Network)

It should not be accessed only as readonly database, but the LAN users
should be allowed to enter data in that Database.


How can i use my database on my Local Website which is running over internet
through (IIS) windows default server. And again this database on the web
page should be able to get data from the other users over LAN.

Advance Thanks for answers because there is not i single question asked by
me which is not answered or helped me.

Best Regards

Shakeel Ahmad

(e-mail address removed)

Tom Ventouris

Split the DB, place the Back End on the Server and Front End (s) on the
users' desktops. Link and you are ready to go.

See these articles for more info on splitting.

You will need process to update the Front Ends when changes are made.
You can do this by distributing the FE over the LAN and providing a step by
step guide for the users to link.
Search this group for plenty of advice on rolling-out changes without
relying on your users.

Tony Toews [MVP]

Tom Ventouris said:
You will need process to update the Front Ends when changes are made.
You can do this by distributing the FE over the LAN and providing a step by
step guide for the users to link.
Search this group for plenty of advice on rolling-out changes without
relying on your users.

I specifically created the Auto FE Updater utility so that I could
make changes to the FE MDE as often as I wanted and be quite confident
that the next time someone went to run the app that it would pull in
the latest version. For more info on the errors or the Auto FE
Updater utility see the free Auto FE Updater utility at at my website to keep the
FE on each PC up to date.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
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do you have a DMZ?

having the MDB that is able to get to your web server might not be
practical if you're using a DMZ (and your webserver is in the MIDDLE
of the DMZ- like it should be)

it is much much easier to use SQL Server
Microsoft reccomends that MDB is not used for web pages for any reason

SQL Server is FREE
MDB is obsolete


move to Access Data Projects

file, new, project (existing data)
this whole linked crap is more effort then it's worth

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