Problem Description: I've recently purchased a laptop and wireless router. Comcast.net is my ISP. I would like to be able to access our joint e-mail account using Outlook XP @comcast.net from multiple locations--this computer (with log-ons for myself and my husband), via outlook express and via our desktop Outlook XP program. Right now, e-mail only regularly goes to the Outlook express. I understand this is not an office product so if I need to I can import all the data from this program into the desktop Outlook program and uninstall Outlook express if that would help. I'm guessing there is a simple setting I'm missing to allow all three (laptop-me, laptop-husband and desktop-) to all read e-mail sent to the @comcast.net account but I can't figure it out. I've completed the connection wizard and all the pop3 and smtp settings are identical down to the ports. Can you tell me what I'm missing please? Thank you.