sharing files without having to open a shared session



we (approx 60 users) are currently using 2003 but will have 2007 in a few

Q: is it possible to have an area on our network where more than one person
can edit files at the same time without having to set up a shared session?

we currently run week long shared sessions for brainstorming of ideas, but
this means we need to keep at least one pc running to maintain the shared
we would like it so that a number of people, from different parts of the
world, can simultaneously contribute to onenote files within a network

any ideas welcome



Kathy Jacobs

Yes! You want to look at 2007's shared notebook feature. It is just what you
are looking for - long term, multi-user sharing of a single notebook. Put
the notebook on a network drive that everyone has access to and let OneNote
take care of syncing the changes.

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

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