Sharing for Help with Homework ??



I wish to use Onenote2003 to help my son with homework as I am working away
from home now. Both PCs are running Onenote 2003 on WinXP.

What is the best way to set this up?

Thanks in advance for your ideas..


Erik Sojka

Some more detail about the network setup may help (are both machines on the
same internal network on your home? ONe machine at home and one on the road?)

Essentially the steps to share a session are:
1) Verify that the port in Tools | Options | Shared Session is open on your
2) Select the page to be shared
3) Use the selections under Tools | Shared Session to start or join a
4) If the network doesn't cause a problem, you will be able to work on the
same shared OneNote file.

You could also send individual *.ONE pages back and forth via email.


Thanks for the reply. Is the same port used for these sessions all the time
or are ephemeral ports used? On the other end I have a router doing NAT and I
will need to do port forwarding.

Thanks in advanced .

Erik Sojka

You will definitely need to configure the firewall to forward (or
publish, depending on your firewall's documentation) the port. The port
can be specified under Tools | Options | Shared Session as ephemeral or
as a dedicated port. If your firewall is UPNP compatible, there are
settings in OneNote for that as well.


Just did Port triggering of port 2302 on th eLinksys router.... and it worked.


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