Sharing .mpp Project Files, but hiding internal data?????


Roger N.

I would like to know if anyone out there has a solution to my current
problem. The challenge that I am facing is that I have a detailed project
schedule which contains cost and resource information, and my customer would
like to get a copy of the schedule at the summary level. They want the
schedule in a .mpp format so that they can import the data into a master
'program' level schedule, but I am not comfortable in exposing the details of
our project schedule (again, cost and resource information).

Is there a way to meet their needs of getting periodic updates of the
schedule, in a .mpp file format, with me not having to share what I would
consider to be private data?

We would rather not export the data to excel and then re-import because of
challenges on the customer side.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Jack Dahlgren MVP

You can not protect any parts of the schedule so you are going to be limited
to exporting only the information that you want, or developing a method of
stripping out the cost and resource information before sending it.

One easy way of doing the latter is to save the file, then set the resource
costs to 0 and scramble the resource names.

-Jack Dahlgren.

Jim Aksel

You will also need to clear your baselines to remove the cost data there as
Tools/Tracking/Clear Baseline...

If yourcustomer wants baseline dates, you will have to save a baseline
without the cost data and tell them to use that.
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Jim Aksel, MVP

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Roger N.

Thanks for the fast reply Jack... I was afraid that was the answer I was
going to get....

Let me try this from another angle; is it possible to ONLY show Summary
Tasks (or other tasks that I may desire)? The goal would be for the end
customer to not be able to drill down into the details of the schedule and
see who is doing what (and for how long). I am ok sharing the data at a
summary level, just not the detailed.

Thanks again!

Mike Glen

Hi Roger,

MVP Jack Dahlgren has written a "scrub" macro: . This probably goes beyond your
requirements. However, if you post on the
microsoft.public.project.developer newsgroup, he or someone else might help
modify it.

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See for my free Project Tutorials



What I usually do is - filter the tasks that I want to show (or in your case
roll up tasks) Then I would print to PDF (There are free PDF creators). This
is the copy I give to the customer



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