Sharing Outlook 2003 on 2 Networked Computers



Is there a way that I can operated the same Outlook program from 2 networked
computers? I have tried to share Outlook, but when I try to open it from the
2nd computer it says that the computer is not equipped to open it (because
it's not installed). I really don't want to buy another copy of the program.
Thanks, Todd


Todd wrote:
|| Is there a way that I can operated the same Outlook program from 2
|| networked computers? I have tried to share Outlook, but when I try
|| to open it from the 2nd computer it says that the computer is not
|| equipped to open it (because it's not installed). I really don't
|| want to buy another copy of the program. Thanks, Todd

If you are using XP, try Remote Desktop from the second machine. Otherwise,
unless you have a Desktop and a Laptop, you need to purchase a second copy
of Outlook.

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