Sharing Question



Hi, I am a new user of OneNote 2007 and am attempting to set a shared
Notebook. I am a research assistant at my law school and I want to set up a
system whereby we both can have access and contribute to one Notebook. My
prof will mostly access it on the school's network, and I will mostly
contribute to the Notebook from my home network. Can someone please guide me
on how to arrange and set up such a notebook. Thanks.


Menu: Share-Created Shared Notebook...
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Rainald Taesler

Menu: Share-Created Shared Notebook...
Follow the prompts, use the OneNote help, any problems just post

I take the liberty to disagree.
This does not cover the scenario as the OP wants to use the notebook
from his home network and the prof from the school's network.
This would need storage on some server reachable from both ends, in the
case of the OP most probably via the internet.
This is anything but trivial.

Unfortunately I can not be of help in so far as I did not yet work under
a scenario like this.



I am using onenote in a similar situation and i have found a great solution,
Windows Live Mesh. I am sharing a notebook through the internet with this
program and it works great and is free. It is a beta technology but i think
its here to stay. Post back with any questions on setup.


Hi - I want to thank everyone for their responses. I set up a Windows Live
Folder Share - it works great and updates in real time when both users are
connected, but if we both make changes to the same thing, my OneNote will
create a new section, and I cannot figure out how to merge the original with
the new one. But it does work great if only 1 person wants to make changes
and send it over to another user via the internet.

Any help with the new issue would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Ilya Koulchin

The section duplication is unfortunately unavoidable due to how OneNote
and FolderShare work with files. Unfortunately there is no easy way to
merge the pages from the two sections - you'd have to go through all the
pages and merge them by hand.
To avoid this problem you'd need a server that both computers can
access, such as a SharePoint server accessible over the internet. Ask
your school's networking people - they might be able to set something up.


Hi JJC and all,

I'm a OneNote user from Taiwan, it's a pity that currently Live Mesh does
not work in here, so I found your post and tried Windows Live FolderShare
I've created an account of FolderShare and created some libraries. However,
I don't know how to set OneNote to sync with these libraries.
Could you give me some steps to set up for this ?
(which folder to share ? how to set OneNote on another PC to sync with that
folder ?)
Basically I want to sync my OneNote notebooks between work and home PCs,
should be the same situation as yours.


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