To speed up the creation and formatting of a specific long document I've
created a template in Word 2003 with a customized toolbar that includes
buttons for a number of simple macros eg. applying a specific style;
insertign a table with specific formatting; inserting often-used
"boilerplate" text as AutoText, etc.
Management has now requested that I make this template available to the rest
of the department on our sharedrive. But whenever I try to use this template
on computer other than my own the new buttons do not work.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
created a template in Word 2003 with a customized toolbar that includes
buttons for a number of simple macros eg. applying a specific style;
insertign a table with specific formatting; inserting often-used
"boilerplate" text as AutoText, etc.
Management has now requested that I make this template available to the rest
of the department on our sharedrive. But whenever I try to use this template
on computer other than my own the new buttons do not work.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.