Sharing Template with a Customized Toolbar



To speed up the creation and formatting of a specific long document that we
often use and make minor alterations to I've created a template in Word 2003
with a customized toolbar that includes buttons for a number of simple macros
eg. applying a specific style; insertign a table with specific formatting;
inserting often-used "boilerplate" text as AutoText, etc.

Management has now requested that I make this template available to the rest
of the department on our sharedrive. The ideal is that anyone can just
double-click the file and the working template will open. But whenever I try
to open this file on any computer other than my own the new buttons do not

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Creating the template only for my own use --rather than with the intention
of it being shared by multiple users/computer-- when initially recording the
macros I hadn't paid close enough attention to a few small but it-turned-out
important the details.

Many thanks to Graham for putting me on the right path (see below)
the elements you wish to share (toolbars/macros/autotexts) must be stored in the template, which depending on its proposed use can be a document template or an add-in template. It sounds from the description of the problem that you have the toolbar(s) in the template, but the macros etc in You can move them using the organizer, but you will probably have to re-add the toolbar commands to
enable the buttons to locate the revised locations of the elements they call.

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