Sharing violation error in Excel 2007



Greetings earthlings.

Problem: Excel 2007 can only save to a local file once. Every new revision
of any file must be saved with a different name.

Error message: is in Norwegian. It's the equivalent to
"Your changes could not be saved to [file name] because of sharing
violation. Try saving to a different file."

Error description: Excel does NOT offer to save a temporary file, like some
report when having sharing violations over LAN. It does not seem to be LAN
related, the file is attempted saved in "my documents" locally. The file
doesn't need to contain macros, it will do the same if it only containts
"qwerty". The user has to regularly go over the folder to delete
duplicates/older versions. He IS allowed to delete them, although I've not
tested if he can right after he's used the file.

Setup: New Dell laptop with XP and Office 2007.

LAN setup: It's connected to internet via a LAN but there's no common file
server or file sharing what so ever over the network. In other words this
seems to be a different case than most of the "sharing violation" threads
than I've found here.

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