Sheets won't move



I've developed a large workbook with a macro that creates multiple copies of
three template sheets and fills them in using data from various other hidden
sheets, then extracts 15 datasheets from a source pivot table, then moves all
these new sheets into a new workbook, which is then saved as a report,
leaving the original workbook in its original state.

The macro was working, with a few possible bugs, but now it's suffering
complete failure. It successfully moves most of the sheets but then after
moving seven of the datasheets, the macro fails (no chance to debug) halfway
through moving the data sheets.

Bizarrely, I then cannot manually move them (no error, Excel just does
nothing with it) so I'm sure it's not a coding error. I could still copy the
sheet, so I changed the macro to do this and delete the original, but it
still fails, oddly enough at the same place.

Any ideas why this is happening? Or even any clues as to what I should be
looking for? I'm quite new to VB so I may have missed something fundamental
in the way I've set this up. For example, I'm setting WB publicly as the
active workbook at the beginning of the macro, and referring to it
throughout, but I've no idea if I should be doing this as I'm effectively
increasing the memory requirements of WB as I go along. This is certainly my
first instinctive thought on it.


I appreciate that Don, but as I am certain the code itself is not to blame, I
don't see the sense in posting 9 modules and a few thousand lines!

I do suspect that setting WB = "REPORT.xls" at the start and adding sheets
to this WB as I go along could be the root of my problem, but I am new to
coding so I don't know if I'mbarking up the wrong tree.

The entire report size is approx 3.5MB and the source "report.xls" is approx
80MB using external data sources. I've created a monster.


Don Guillett

It does sound as if you have created a MONSTER. Excel does NOT like large
external data bases. It sounds like you need professional help to re-design
your project. I'm pretty sure it could be greatly simplified.


This is the macro that's failing:

Sub save_report()
'1. select five new 'mandatory' (O/G/E/I/R) sheets from report master file
and dump into new WB
' --> uses selname and resname set above to select O and R sheets
'2. dump customer & drill sheets into new WB
'3. add glossary(ies)
'4. save & close new WB

Dim M_S As Object
Set M_S = MATRIX_STATIONS 'sheet used for misc referencing
Dim fn As String
Dim WSn(0, 4) As String
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim blnReplace As Boolean 'this isn't used now as I process one sheet at a
Dim w As Integer
Dim stn As String
Dim WSo As Object
Dim src As String, bkmk As String, txt As String

Set WB = Workbooks("REPORT.xls")

' Set M_M = MATRIX_MISC 'similar to M_S set above
' selname = "Overview MAN 2009-06"
' BR = "BMAN"
' resname = "MAN Alerts 2009-06"


'select mandatory (O/G/E/I/A) sheets from scorecard master file and dump
into new WB

WSn(0, 0) = selname
WSn(0, 1) = "General"
WSn(0, 2) = "Export"
WSn(0, 3) = "Import"
WSn(0, 4) = resname

'only works on sheets that exist

If fn_SheetExists(WSn(0, 0)) = False Then
MsgBox "WHOOPS! No overview sheet = error"
GoTo Skip

With Sheets(selname)
If RptLvl = "R" Then
End If
If RptLvl = "U" Then
End If
End With

For w = 1 To 3 'G/E/I
'only if G/E/I sheet exists
If fn_SheetExists(WSn(0, w)) = True Then
'add sheet hyperlinks as appropriate
Set WSo = Sheets(WSn(0, w))
With WSo.Range("A1")

'add Overview link
If fn_SheetExists(WSn(0, 0)) = True Then
With .Offset(0, 12)
src = "A1"
bkmk = "'" & selname & "'!A1"
txt = "Overview"
.Hyperlinks.Add _
Anchor:=.Range(src), _
Address:="", _
SubAddress:=bkmk, _
.Font.Size = 8
End With
.Offset(0, 12).Value = " "
End If

'add General link
If fn_SheetExists(WSn(0, 1)) = True Then
If Not WSo.Name = "General" Then
With .Offset(0, 13)
src = "A1"
bkmk = "'General'!A7"
txt = "General"
.Hyperlinks.Add _
Anchor:=.Range(src), _
Address:="", _
SubAddress:=bkmk, _
.Font.Size = 8
End With
End If
.Offset(0, 13).Value = " "
End If

'add Export link
If fn_SheetExists(WSn(0, 2)) = True Then
If Not WSo.Name = "Export" Then
With .Offset(0, 14)
src = "A1"
bkmk = "'Export'!A7"
txt = "Export"
.Hyperlinks.Add _
Anchor:=.Range(src), _
Address:="", _
SubAddress:=bkmk, _
.Font.Size = 8
End With
End If
.Offset(0, 14).Value = " "
End If

'add Import link
If fn_SheetExists(WSn(0, 3)) = True Then
If Not WSo.Name = "Import" Then
With .Offset(0, 15)
src = "A1"
bkmk = "'Import'!A7"
txt = "Import"
.Hyperlinks.Add _
Anchor:=.Range(src), _
Address:="", _
SubAddress:=bkmk, _
.Font.Size = 8
End With
End If
.Offset(0, 15).Value = " "
End If

'add Alerts link
If fn_SheetExists(WSn(0, 4)) = True Then
With .Offset(0, 16)
src = "A1"
bkmk = "'" & resname & "'!A1"
txt = "Alerts"
.Hyperlinks.Add _
Anchor:=.Range(src), _
Address:="", _
SubAddress:=bkmk, _
.Font.Size = 8
End With
.Offset(0, 16).Value = " "
End If

End With
End If
Next w

'select sheets
blnReplace = True 'first sheet replaces selected
For w = 0 To 4
If fn_SheetExists(WSn(0, w)) = True Then Sheets(WSn(0,
w)).Select blnReplace
blnReplace = False 'subsequent sheets add to selected array
Next w
End If

'protect and move/copy to create new WB

'remember new WB name
fn = ActiveWorkbook.Name


If Not RptLvl = "B" Then GoTo SkipData '!! is this required?


stn = " Data "

'commented, owing to sheet move errors
' blnReplace = True
' For Each sh In WB.Worksheets
' If InStr(1, sh.Name, stn) Then
' sh.Select blnReplace
' blnReplace = False
' End If
' Next sh
''move to new WB
' ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Copy
' WB.Activate
' ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Delete

For Each sh In WB.Worksheets
If InStr(1, sh.Name, stn) Then
sh.Copy After:=Workbooks(fn).Sheets(Workbooks(fn).Sheets.Count)
Else: End If
Next sh


'macro fails during sheets.move in the next part


If RptLvl = "R" Then GoTo SkipCustomer '!! is this required?

WB.Activate 'source workbook

'move any customer & drill output sheets (all contain the station/region
name or "UK")
stn = "Cust"
For Each sh In WB.Worksheets
If InStr(1, sh.Name, stn) Then sh.move
Next sh



Workbooks(fn).Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Workbooks(fn).Worksheets.Count)
With ActiveSheet
.Name = "Glossary"
.Tab.ColorIndex = 1
.Columns("A").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
.Columns("C").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
.Columns("F:G").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
showallobjects 'prevents errors in hiding columns and rows
.Range(Range("IV1"), Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft).Offset(0,
1)).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
.Range(Range("A65536"), Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0,
1)).EntireRow.Hidden = True
.Range("B1").Value = "Description" 'removes the words "max width
End With


'all sheets are now in new workbook "fn"
With ActiveWorkbook

'add timestamp to overview sheet
.Sheets(selname).Range("TO_datestamp") = "Produced " & Now

'finalise all sheets in new report
Do Until w = .Sheets.Count
With .Sheets(w)
'cancel Build in Progress
If Range("A1") = "BIP" Then Range("A1") = ""
'hide customer data sheets
If InStr(1, .Name, "Cust") Then .Visible = False
'password protect with PW
.Protect Password:=PW, DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True,
Scenarios:=True, _
AllowFormattingCells:=True, AllowFormattingColumns:=True,
AllowFormattingRows:=True, _
AllowInsertingColumns:=True, AllowInsertingRows:=True,
AllowDeletingColumns:=True, AllowDeletingRows:=True, _
AllowSorting:=True, AllowFiltering:=True,
'set focus on all sheets to A1
End With
w = w + 1

'hide sheet tabs
ActiveWindow.TabRatio = 0

'save new report to (shared drive)
'path has generic format "\\UKOV\RGN\BSTN\"
If RptLvl = "B" Then
'set new fn before save: "STN YYYY-MM" (len 11)
fn = Right(selname, 11) & ".xls"
'set path (testing will save to My Docs, may eventually need to swap for
production lookup from M_R)
Dim path As String
path = M_M.Range("_PATH_reports") _
& WorksheetFunction.Index(M_S.Range("StnRReport"),
WorksheetFunction.Match(BR, M_S.Range("StnBSTN"), 0)) & "\" _
& BR & "\"
ElseIf RptLvl = "R" Then
fn = Right(selname, 12) & ".xls"
path = M_M.Range("_PATH_reports") _
& BR & "\"
ElseIf BR = "UKOV" Then
fn = Right(selname, 12) & ".xls"
path = M_M.Range("_PATH_reports")
End If
.SaveAs Filename:=path & fn

End With


End Sub


Don, I will be in touch for your testimony when I approach the IT department
for more funding and an assistant. ;-)

Seriously though, it's certainly a leaky memory problem because on the
advice of a colleague I restarted Windows (why didn't I think of that) and it
worked fine. Not sure how long it'll run for before it fails again (it is
supposed to create 23 reports one after the other) but I guess I should
firstly get out of the habit of hitting standby when I finish for the day.

And you're almost certainly right that it can be simplified. I've been
learning VB as I go along for about 2 years, mostly using this forum and
Google for help, so I have no doubt there are better ways of doing this!

Thanks and kind regards



In your code as posted :

Set WB = Workbooks("Report.xls")

But where is:

Dim WB As Workbook

Also l seem to remember some years ago using XL2003 that the number of
sheets deleted / created using VBA was restricted to a certain number
that depended on their individual size & complexity. I am sure that
there will be something posted on this forum about the subject.

What version of XL are you using?





WB is set Public, and I'm using XL03 so I will look into that. Thanks for
the pointer!


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