Shift+F9 doesn't work in Print layout View



Before I would click on a picture press shift+F9, and then get the link
source I use for my paint like {INCLUDEPICTURE "ska01.bmp\'MERGEFORMAT\d}.
now when I press this in print layout view I just mark the picture and
nothing happens.

can anyone help.

Stefan Blom

Are you sure that the picture was inserted as a link? Also, is the
picture "In line with text" (Format | <object>, Layout tab)? If yes,
then you should be able to show the field code.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:[email protected]...


Also, even had the picture been inserted linked and the OP then made the mistake of pressing Ctrl-Shift-F9 somewhere along the line,
the link would be broken.



Yep link, since I can still use alt+f9 and see, but then all my pictures are
opended. as yes it is "in line with text" as well.

still doesn't work

but the mistake is only in Print layout view.

Stefan Blom

So Alt+F9, which displays *all* field codes, works and Shift+F9 does
not? In the Customize Keyboard dialog box, verify that Shift+F9 is
assigned to the ToggleFieldDisplay command.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

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