Shifting Date from all data on one row to several rows




I have a file that has Name, Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip, Phone,
and E-Mail. People are going to be manually keying this into a system with
no import procedure and there are several hundred records. What would be
best is if I coud shift the data from columns with one record per customer to
having the data appear similar to a label with Name in the first row,
address1 in the second, address2 in the third and so on. There would then be
a space or two and then the second record formerly the second row with the
same thing - Name followed by Address1 in a row below it. Is there a way to
do this?


Chuck W

Jason Morin

Let's say you have existing data in columns A - H on Sheet1, with the first
customer's data in row 2.

Copy this into A1 of a new sheet and fill down until you see all your
customer data:


Now the select this column, copy it, and go to Edit > Paste Special > Values.

Atlanta, Ga

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