shipping costs using if then



I want to calculate the shipping costs for orders. I have a cell which
totals the weight. I have the shipping weights with corresponding rates. I
want the "shipping cost" cell to look at the weight cell and calculate the
shipping rates for a range of weights. e.g. weight is 336 lbs and there is a
rate for a range of 325-350lbs. This needs to be able to provide the rate
for a wide range of possible weights from 15 to 2,500lbs. Thanks for your

Nick Hodge

What that we've already offered doesn't work? I think this is the third
time you have posted this with slightly different weights!

Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)


This is a VLOOKUP job
You need to create a table with the weights in say A1:A20, then in B1:B20
enter the cost,
You can then use
=VLOOKUP(your search cell,A1:B20,2,TRUE)
The rationale for this VLOOKUP formula is
=VLOOKUP(What to look for, Where to Look For It,Which Column in the search
area to display,Find an exact match (False to find an exact match, or find
the nearest match(True))
I know this is a bit much in one go, look it up in 'Help' and post back if
you have a problem.

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