Shopping cart


Alex Martinez


I am using FrontPage 2003 and I am already using Surepay for processing
credit cards. Recently I have search the web and saw many add-ins and
companies that offer their services for shopping cart. Many of these
services are expense. I already have a web site I design and I want to use
it. I would like to know if anybody out there has any experience using
add-ins or services that one can suggest. I only have three products to
sell and I want to use Surepay if possible. I don't want to use Dynamic
pages, just HTML. I am looking for a good secure shopping cart that can
process my product along with freight and taxes from various states and the
capability to cancel an order if need to. Any tips or comments, such as
what to look out for or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.

chris leeds

does surepay have a cart you can use or some kind of "button generator"?

I set up a shopping cart and configured it to run against the 2CheckOut
service and remember them having this stuff in the "admin" catalog.

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