Short cut for Repeat Sentence



I type the same sentence multiple times a day in outlook and use word
as my editor. Is there some way to make a shortcut that it will
automatically do this for me?


I type the same sentence multiple times a day in outlook and use word
as my editor. Is there some way to make a shortcut that it will
automatically do this for me?

You could use Tools / AutoCorrect and assign the sentence to a
shortcut 'phrase'.


Perfect timing! I just wrote this article!

Understanding AutoCorrect, AutoText and AutoComplete: MS Word

It's very easy to confuse the three powerful "Autos" in Word. It is
very helpful to be able to distinguish between these three distinct
When you find yourself inserting the same text over and over again, you
can create an AutoText entry. When you begin to type Word suggests the
completion. You can press Enter or F to accept the suggestion or just
ignore it.

Similar to AutoCorrect, where you can type an abbreviation which Word
automatically expands, AutoText allows you to control whether the
abbreviation expands.
AutoText is one of Word's most powerful timesavers. AutoText entries
are frequently used text, graphics, fields, and other items which can
be recalled quickly into any document. Because AutoText works with
AutoComplete, you need only type the first few letters of an AutoText
Entry in order to insert it.

While you get the most out of AutoText if you create your own entries,
Word comes with many useful AutoText entries already created and
categorized for you.
AutoCorrect differs from AutoText in that it really is automatic. In
other words, you don't choose to make a substitution as you do with
AutoText - Word goes right ahead and makes it for you. AutoCorrect is
used primarily to make automatic corrections to what you type. Using
AutoCorrect, you essentially indicate one word (the misspelled word) to
be replaced with another word (the correct word).

AutoComplete is a feature that allows you to see AutoText mnemonics
that may be applicable based on what you are typing. When AutoComplete
is turned on and you type the first four unique letters of an AutoText
mnemonic, Word displays a ToolTip next to what you are typing, to
inform you that an AutoText entry is available for what you are
starting to type.
Notice that AutoComplete works hand-in-hand with AutoText. AutoComplete
is not associated with AutoCorrect, other than being controlled through
a setting on the AutoText tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box.

Creating an AutoText Entry

AutoText entries you create are, by default, stored in
While it's possible to store AutoText entries in other templates, those
stored in remain available to you in all documents you work
on at your PC.

To create an AutoText entry:

1. Select the text you want to become an AutoText entry.

2. Click Insert | AutoText | New (or ALT + F3). The Create AutoText
dialog box displays.
3. Type a memorable, one-word name for the entry.

4. Click OK.

You can also use a mnemonic for your AutoText entry such as COS for a
Certificate Of Service. When you type the mnemonic for an AutoText
entry, you must then press F3 to replace that mnemonic with it's
associated block of text. On a Mac, Command - Option - v.)

To insert the AutoText into a document, begin to type its name. When
the AutoComplete appears, suggesting the AutoText entry, press Enter to
insert it in the document. To delete or modify it, choose Tools |
AutoCorrect and click the AutoText tab.

Many of the default AutoText entries that Word provides are short items
commonly used in business letters. You can see a list on the submenu
when you choose Insert | AutoText.

Another quick way of creating and using AutoText entries is to enable
the AutoText toolbar. To do this, simply, right-click anywhere on an
empty spot next to your toolbars and select the AutoText toolbar or
Click on View | Toolbars and select it there.


Perfect timing! I just wrote this article!

Understanding AutoCorrect, AutoText and AutoComplete: MS Word

It's very easy to confuse the three powerful "Autos" in Word. It is
very helpful to be able to distinguish between these three distinct
When you find yourself inserting the same text over and over again, you
can create an AutoText entry.

Personally, I have 'auto' everything turned off, but I am aware it's
there. I use a program called Macro Express for all my wierd keyword
insertions. I prefer it that way because there might be a time I
really want to type the phrase that triggers something. Turning Auto
Correct on and off is a pain. I quess I could use it, though. ::dim
lightbulb going off in head:: I could start all my shortcuts with
'qq' since you're never going to find those letters together in the
English language. :)


That was the whole point of my article Zilbandy. You should be using
AutoText rather than AutoCorrect, which is automatic. Read it through
again and try using AutoText for what you want and see if that doesn't
help you.

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