Hi Carmen,
Actually what symbol are you looking for. . And in general
when you ask a question don't make someone have to ask what
your are looking for and what happens instead.
For any symbol such as a Euro Alt+0128
the digits must be typed on the numeric keypad (even on a laptop),
not from the number row. On a laptop Fn+Alt+0128 (the plus
signs are not typed, just means hold these keys down and type
the other characters)
Symbols in HTML and Excel
Page has instructions to install the CharMap on your Excel toolbar.
You can use CharMap to type symbols, wingdings, webdings,
etc. In Excel you must match the font yourself using the font drop
down box within Excel after copying the character to your cell.
You can type any character that exists in any of your fonts.
Is it a letter with a marking for language other than English.
For that you might want to change your keyboard layout in the
Control Panel for the keyboard, and set a Hot key to switch between
they keyboard layouts. I'm not messing with mine but if that is what
you need that is where you would do it. You might do a Google
search on -- typing Italian characters
You have what you need you don't have to purchase anything.